Step 2: Submit a research proposal

The research proposal should explain the methods and goals of the planned research.

After a positive feasibility assessment (step 1), LEO Pharma will invite the researcher to submit a full research proposal. The researcher submits a Research Proposal for Access to Data to

The proposal shall include:

  • Scientific rationale for the planned analysis
  • Potential public interest in the results of the analysis
  • Qualifications of the researchers
  • Any conflicts of interest
  • Agreement that patient confidentiality will be maintained
  • A publication plan
  • Acceptance the data cannot be used for commercial gain 


LEO Pharma will screen the research proposals to ensure that all necessary items are included before it is sent to the Patient and Scientific Review Board for review.

See the approved research proposals.


 Download the Research Proposal for Access to Data form  


Go to step 1     Go to step 2
